Jose Rizal Quotes from His Letters to Blumentritt

Here are some famous Jose Rizal quotes from his correspondence with his German friend, Ferdinand Blumentritt.

Here are some famous Jose Rizal quotes from his correspondence with his German friend, Ferdinand Blumentritt. Rizals friendship with Blumentritt began in July 13, 1886 when Rizal wrote his very first letter to Blumentritt and sent the latter a Tagalog arithmetic book. Blumentritt had great interest in the Philippines and studied the Filipino language . Scholars have attributed to Blumentritt the title of being the chief expert of the Tagalog language.  Rizal and Blumentritt were good friends and addressed each other as “My Brother” or “Mein Bruder”.

  •  Each one writes history according to his convenience. (Letter to Blumentritt, Leipzig,22 August 1886)
  • Today is Christmas Eve. Whether or not Christ was born exactly on this date is not important. But chronological accuracy has nothing to do with tonight’s event. A grand genius had been born who preached truth and love; who suffered because of his mission; and on account of his sufferings the world has become better, if not saved. Only it gives me nausea to see how some people abuse his name to commit numerous crimes. If he is in heaven, he will certainly protest! (Letter to Blumentritt, 24 December 1886)
  • We want the happiness of the Philippines, but we want to obtain it through noble and just means. If I have to commit villainy to make her happy, I would refuse to do so, because I am sure that what is built on sand sooner or later would tumble down. (Letter to Blumentritt, 31 January 1887)
  • Is it not sad, I said to my countrymen, that we have to learn from a foreigner about ourselves? Thanks to the German scholars we get accurate information about ourselves, and when everything in our country has been destroyed and we wish to verify the historical correctness of certain facts we shall have to come to Germany to search for these facts, in German museums and books! (Letter to Blumentritt, 13 April 1887)
  • The Philippines should be grateful to you if you would write a complete history of our country from an impartial point of view.. But don’t expect thanks and laurels–crowns of flowers and laurels are the inventions of free people. But perhaps your children may gather the fruit of what the father planted. (Letter to Blumentritt, 13 April 1887)

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